"And looks the cow round then on the snakeand grits its teeth, and as its brain cell does thinkthen look, then speak; slowly,"of our common enemy, I will speak openlyand say no concern or hesitation. No mercy on the one who needs to us slayI, cow, am with you this day."
"Oh, cow, on this I've typically thoughtI'll make you sacred, throw favor your waymen will not treat youas if you were not our equal."
"Of that I care not. But of what I do careare those who are enemies of us and God;to those I say 'beware, beware, my buddy,'for God's servant I'm true. And journey one stepagainst my nature I will stomp on you --and the snake with me too!"

"Trickery, cow! You've gotten spoken with design;but once more, our enemy you now quoteas a pal or are you sly -- against Him? eh?that will be it."

"I am sly in opposition to the very windthis traitor amongst us makes. Where is the enemy?I'll trounce him the place he stands?I'll show to him his promised land!"

"Now," says the snake, "that better, for a momentthere, I believed you all wet I'm known for my persuasive approach."
"Lead me to him today! says the cow,I am bored with this waiting. I too have seen stars,see, there's the Milky Way and Mars,and that large white and darkish thing,I feel they name it the moon.I'd quickly jump all as if clearing a fenceif I solely might.